India-Pakistan: Heavy Casualties for Islamic Radicals


November28, 2006: In Kashmir, Indian police killed Suhail Afzal, the head of the Hizbul Mujaheedin terrorist organization. Afzal was the most wanted terrorist in Kashmir.

November 27, 2006: For the third time this month, a cleric in the Pakistani tribal areas was killed, after being accused of "spying for the Americans." The body of the cleric was found in North Waziristan. These killings are believed related to tribal and clerical politics, more than with U.S. espionage efforts (which are real enough, but probably involve more low profile people.)

November 25, 2006: In Kashmir, several clashes left seven security troops and one rebel dead. The Indians were out in the forests searching for rebel camps.

November 23, 2006: In Kashmir, four Islamic terrorist groups made a joint announcement threatening any Moslem men who joined the security forces or the army. More Kashmiris have been doing just that, and defying terrorist threats to attack family members.

November 22, 2006: Pakistan, responding to American complaints that Taliban were moving about freely in Baluchistan (southwest Pakistan), raided the capital (Quetta) of the province, and surrounding area, arresting 47 suspected Taliban. In India's capital, police arrested two Moslems from Kashmir, who were carrying three pounds of explosives and timers.

November 20, 2006: In eastern India, a bomb went off in a train, killing 11 and wounding over sixty. Tribal separatists are suspected.