India-Pakistan: Frontier Rules


September 12, 2006: Pakistani officials admitted that American commandos have permission to enter Pakistan, if they are in hot pursuit of al Qaeda or Taliban leaders. This happened as recently as January of this year, in an incident that made it into the media, but just as quickly disappeared when Pakistani authorities declined to make an issue of it. It's also an open secret that American operatives (from the CIA, NSA and SOCOM) operate informant networks among the tribes on the Pakistani side of the border. These people are often spotted moving about with their Pakistani counterparts.
September 11, 2006: Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the primary Islamic terrorist leader in Afghanistan before the Taliban and al Qaeda showed up, was captured just across the border from his Pakistani hideout. Someone gave him up, as Afghan and U.S. forces surrounded the rural compound where he was staying, and captured Hekmatyar and half a dozen followers without firing a shot. Operating from his base in Pakistan, Hekmatyar's terrorists were responsible for much of the violence in eastern Afghanistan. Hekmatyar never got along well with the Taliban, and has been in exile in Pakistan for over a decade.
September 10, 2006: In Pakistan's tribal areas along the Afghan border, Islamic terrorists continue to threaten and kill pro-government tribal and religious leaders. The recent peace treaty with the tribes was to have stopped this terrorism, or allowed the government to move against it. With recent attacks and murders, the government has to either move against the perpetrators, or admit that the treaty was a sham.
September 8, 2006: In southwest Pakistan, a bomb went off in a bus station, killing five and wounding over a dozen. Rebellious Baluchi tribesmen are suspected. In western India, several bombs went off near a Mosque, killing nearly 30, and wounding many more. Hindu terrorists are suspected, as this area has long been the scene of Hindu terrorism against Indian Moslems (there are more Moslems in India, where they are a minority, than there are in Pakistan). Meanwhile, in south India, police uncovered a major Maoist weapons stash, including some 600 rockets.