India-Pakistan: Terrorists Kill for Control


May 3, 2006: In Kashmir, an overnight pursuit left three Islamic terrorists dead, along with a soldier and a policeman. Increasingly, the Islamic terrorists have been turned in by the majority Moslem population in the province. The Kashmiri Moslems are tired of all the violence, especially the terror the Islamic radicals use to try and keep the Kashmir Moslems from cooperating with the police.

May 2, 2006: Pakistan revealed that, in November, 2005, it had captured a senior al Qaeda leader, Mustafa Setmarian Nasar. This fellow has a $5 million price on his head, is a Syrian and has a Spanish passport. Nasar specializes in training men to efficiently carry out terror attacks. He is wanted by Syria for anti-government activity. Apparently the Pakistanis interrogated Nasar to see what he knew about terrorist operations in Pakistan, and then turned him over the the U.S.

May 1, 2006: Over the weekend, Islamic terrorists in Kashmir killed 35 Hindu farmers and shepherds. For over a decade, Islamic terrorists have been trying to force all non-Moslems out of Kashmir. This particular round of attacks was apparently carried out to interfere with peace talks between the Indians and Kashmiri separatist groups.

April 30, 2006: In eastern India, Maoist rebels kidnapped 40 tribesmen over the last week, killed 13 of them, and released the rest with a warning not to cooperate with the police (who are hunting for the Maoists).

April 29, 2006: The recent broadcast by al Qaeda number two leader Ayman Al Zawahiri included a call for the overthrow of the Pakistani government. This was a blatant appeal to the battered al Qaeda forces in Pakistan. Over a thousand al Qaeda operatives have been captured (most of them) or killed in Pakistan during the past five years. While al Qaeda still has the support of some border tribes, the majority of Pakistanis have turned against the Islamic terrorist organization. This was largely because many of the al Qaeda are foreigners, and they seem pretty callous when it comes to killing Pakistanis during their terror attacks. Efforts to rebuild al Qaeda in Pakistan have not been successful, and al Zawahiri message was a plea to Pakistanis to cut the Islamic terrorist group some slack. Al Qaeda still has some potential supporters in Pakistan, where the government is basically a military dictatorship, and there are many Islamic conservatives.