India-Pakistan: December 14, 2002


Pakistani police arrested three Islamic radicals in Karachi, who were in an automobile rigged with a 22 pound bomb.

In India's capital, two Moslem terrorists were killed by police. At the same time, India protested a Pakistani court freeing the leader of an Islamic terrorist group that has organized attacks inside India. 

Artillery fire across the Line of Control left an Pakistani civilian dead. 

Several clashes in Kashmir left eight dead. Police found a Pakistani made (Anja Mk 1) portable surface to air missile in a rebel camp. The missile, a copy of an older Russian design, weighs 33 pounds and is effective against helicopters and small propeller driven aircraft. 

In Pakistan, a bomb went off outside a Catholic church, there were no injuries. However, non-Moslems were complaining about more threats of violence against them by Islamic radicals (who wish to "purify" Pakistan by driving out all non-Moslems.)