India-Pakistan: April 28, 2002


In Kashmir, battles between troops and rebels left two civilians, one soldier and 15 rebels dead. Most of the rebels (13) were killed as they tried to cross into Indian Kashmir. Shelling across the Line of Control  left three dead and two wounded in Pakistan. Officials in Kashmir are complaining about the increased use of landmines by rebels. So far, most of the weapons are anti-vehicle mines. These weapons often kill civilians, as if a civilian vehicle comes along before military vehicles do, the civilians get hit. India says they have recovered or cleared 1.3 million explosive devices (mines or booby traps) in Kashmir since 1989. Increasingly, rebels are placing anti-personnel mines and booby traps around military bases, often in areas used by local civilians. 

India tested a 300 kilometer range cruise missile (the Brahmos) they developed with Russia. The missile carries a 440 pound warhead.