India-Pakistan: A Civil War No One Wants


July 3, 2007: Pakistan is facing a civil war between the military (representing about ten percent of the population), the Islamic militants (about 30 percent) and the secular political parties (60 percent). The military groups are the most disciplined, and are well funded by a military business empire (an outgrowth of military foundations established to provide pensions and such for veterans). The Islamic militants are the most poor and ill educated, with most of their supporters in the tribal areas. The political parties are crippled by partisanship and corruption, but are currently more united and focused by a desire to avoid a religious dictatorship, or a military one. The Islamic militants are trying to use terror to take over. The political parties use large demonstrations and strikes. The military has police and troops. No one wants a civil war, but everyone wants to run the country.

July 2, 2007: In eastern India, Maoists killed two villagers suspected of working for the police. Elsewhere in the area, Maoists attacked a police station, leaving nine dead (including five police.)

July 1, 2007: Police in southwest Pakistan have arrested eight members of a gang that supplied explosives, detonators and remote control devices for Taliban and Islamic terrorist bombs. The gang gathered the material from underground and legitimate sources in the more populous Punjab province, then sold it to Taliban groups along the Afghan border, and Islamic terrorists throughout the country. The gang members used to belong to an Islamic radical group, but found the bomb materials business a more lucrative endeavor. Suicide bomb attacks, mostly in neighboring Afghanistan, have increased enormously over there last three years. In 2005, there were only 25 attacks. Last year there were 140, and, so far this year, 2007 was shaping up to be even worse. But with the destruction of this gang, will cut off bomb making supplies, for a while at least. But as long as the Taliban have the cash, someone else will step up to sell them the weapons they want.

June 30, 2007: Pakistan faces a crises as thousands of Islamic militants in the "Red Mosque" complex in the capital, defy the government. The mosque is now under siege, but the militants threaten to use suicide bombers, protected by human shields (the youngest students of the mosque religious school) to break out. The leaders of the mosque are calling for jihad against the government, and the establishment of a religious dictatorship in Pakistan.

June 28, 2007: China is not happy with the way Islamic militants recently treated Chinese staff and customers at a massage parlor in the capital. The Pakistani government said it would improve security, especially against attacks by Islamic militants offended by the "immoral customs of infidel Chinese". China is Pakistan's largest, and most reliable, supplier of weapons.

June 27, 2007: Three Islamic terrorists died when the roadside bomb they were planting along the Afghan border, exploded prematurely. The road was used by the army for regular patrols. In eastern India, Maoists rebels attacked railroad stations, and other railroad property.