Thailand: Islamic Terrorists Agree to Peace Talks


March 1, 2013: The recent negotiation agreement with one of the Islamic terror groups (the BRN or Barisan Revolusi Nasional) in the south caused a violent reaction from at least two of the other terrorist organizations. That resulted in over thirty attacks in the last ten days, most of them minor. The terrorists were also believed to be angry over the heavy losses suffered during a major February 13 th attack on a military base. That got a prominent terrorist leader and 16 of his followers killed. The violence down south has killed over 5,500 during nine years of Islamic terrorist activity. The BRN negotiations will begin next month. If they succeed there will be much less popular support for the other Islamic terror groups and that will make it easier to destroy them. The BRN wants more autonomy, economic growth, and so on.

Despite the government refusal (in the face of growing international pressure) to accept Rohingya refugees from Burma, at least 6,000 Rohingya have managed to get into Thailand in the last four months. Early this year the government ordered Rohingya to be blocked from entering the country. During the last few years Thailand was more receptive of these Burmese Moslem refugees. Then there was another outbreak of violence between Rohingya and Burmese in Burma last June, causing many more Rohingya to flee. Some 13,000 Rohingya fled Burma last year, up from 7,000 in 2011. Thailand is a favorite destination for refugees because of the booming economy. The Thais know this and deport any economic refugees they catch. While the business community likes the illegals for their willingness to work harder for less pay, most Thais oppose illegals for the same reason. The Rohingya have long been a special problem in both Burma and Thailand. The Burmese do not recognize the Rohingya as Burmese. In part this was because the Rohingya lived on the Burmese/Bangladesh border and were considered invaders from Bangladesh and partly because the Burmese are largely Buddhist and have had problems with Moslems (who tend to be a lot more intolerant and aggressive when it comes to religion). Moreover, while most Burmese have an East Asian appearance, the Rohingya look like Indians. Criminal gangs in the area are selling places on boats that attempt to sneak into Thai waters, where the Rohingya could claim asylum. But in the last few months Thailand has arrested over 4,000 Rohingya refugees and confined them in guarded camps until the refugees agree to go back to Burma.

February 26, 2013: In the south a bomb went off, leaving six wounded.

February 25, 2013: The government signed an agreement with Islamic terror group BRN that will start peace negotiations next month.

February 19, 2013: In the south two death squad attacks left one man dead. Elsewhere in the south police raided a terrorist hideout and arrested two suspects.

February 17, 2013: In the south three bombs went off in the town of Pattani in the last two days, leaving three dead and 17 wounded.

February 13, 2013: In the south about 60 Islamic terrorists, disguised as soldiers, attempted to attack a military base. But the troops inside had received a tip about the attack and were prepared. The attack was repulsed, with 17 terrorists killed. None of the marines defending the base were hurt. One of the dead was a known Islamic terrorist leader of the RKK (Runda Kumpalan Kecil).

February 11, 2013: In the south two roadside bombs left five soldiers dead.

February 5, 2013: In the south Islamic terrorists killed four Buddhist traders, who had come to make their regular purchase of fruit.