Nepal: Peace At Last?


November25, 2006: The eight year war with the Maoists is, for the moment, over. The conflict killed over 13,000 people, discredited the monarchy, created more divisions in Nepalese society and forced the political parties to accept the Maoists as equals. But at the same time, the Maoists dropped their insistence that Nepal be governed by a communist dictatorship. Or have they? It would appear that the moderates in the Maoist movement have won, with their agreement to participate in a parliamentary government, as just another faction. But the hard like Maoists are still there, and still want their communist dictatorship. The majority of Nepalese don't want a communist dictatorship, nor do Nepals two largest neighbors; India and China.

November 21, 2006: The government and Maoists sighed a peace deal. The Maoist gunmen have begun to assemble in disarmament camps. Maoists will join an interim government on December 1st, and there will be new elections in June, 2007. A new constitution will be created, which may eliminate the 230 year old monarchy.

November 20, 2006: In response to accusations that the Maoists have received help from Pakistani ISI (a CIA like organization), the Maoists say they were offered such assistance, but turned it down. India believes ISI is helping Islamic terrorists establish bases in Nepal, near the Indian border.

November 17, 2006: The leader of the Maoists, Prachanda, is willing to become the president of a Nepalese republic, thus replacing the king as head of state. The Maoists have always wanted to eliminate the monarchy, but until the recent peace negotiations, intended to establish a communist dictatorship.


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