Nepal: Monarchy Loses


April 21, 2006: After 14 months of absolute power, the king has been unable to make a major dent in Maoist terrorism in the countryside. In addition, the urban population is now aroused against the monarchy over the issue of parliamentary power. It looks like the king will lose, and have to flee. Nepals "big brother" has told the king that Maoist disorder in the countryside, and urban disorder by the political parties in the urban areas, leaves the king with no choice but to leave. So far, the king has said nothing.

When the king does leave, the war with the Maoists will continue, because the Maoists still want the corrupt political parties destroyed, and a communist dictatorship established.

April 20, 2006:Over 100,000 people demonstrated against the king, and defy the daytime curfew. There has been increasing violence by the police and army to try and contain the demonstrators. About 14 demonstrators have been killed over the last week, and several hundred injured.

April 19, 2006:A daytime curfew was imposed in the capital in an attempt to stop demonstrations. This did not work, as the people came out anyway.

April 18, 2006:Although the army is now escorting supply convoys into the capital and other cities, anti-king demonstrations are also joining in to block traffic.

April 17, 2006:Anti-king demonstrations are spreading to many different neighborhoods in the capital, as well as other towns. This is driven by increasing food shortages in the towns, because of the Maoist blockade on the few main roads in the mountainous country.

April 16, 2006:Ten days of Maoist blockades have much reduced commercial traffic and put many people out of work. The political parties have called the out-of-work urban population to turn out for anti-king demonstrations.


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