Kurdish War: October 30, 1999


PKK guerrillas continue to turn themselves in to Turkish authorities. A group of eight PKK Kurd fighters flew into Istanbul from Austria and surrendered to Turk police at the Ataturk airport. While the Turkish authorities call some of the surrenders "publicity stunts," the number of guerrillas taking advantage of the surrender agreements continues to grow.

October 10; The PKK asked the Turkish government to declare a general amnesty for all PKK guerrillas who surrendered during the past month.

October 10; Turkey has dismissed the announced withdrawal of PKK rebels as simply the annual winter withdrawal to bases in Iraq.--Stephen V Cole

October 7; The Turkish armed forces claimed to have killed 36 PKK guerrillas in several actions throughout Turkey. In addition, 15 PKK guerrillas surrendered in the town of Catak.

October 1; The Turkish Army said nine PKK rebels were killed in clashes in southeastern Turkey. Three were killed in Bitlis and 6 in the province of Van. The Turkish Army also announced it had accepted the surrender of eight PKK guerrillas at the Iraqi border. Nine other guerrillas surrendered near Semdinli, close by the Turk-Iranian border.


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