Kurdish War: September 30, 1999


: The Turkish Army's deep operation against PKK positions in northern Iraq continued. Internal violence in Turkey continued when a bomb exploded in the headquarters in Ankara of Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit's Democratic left Party.

September 29; Approximately 5000 Turkish Army troops attack PKK positions inside northern Iraq. According to one Turkish press report, the army was aided by pro-Turk Kurd militias ("village guards" or "village protectors") and guerrillas from Massoud Barzani's Iraqi Kurdistan Democratic Party. Meanwhile, in actions in eastern and southeastern Turkey, the Turkish Army claimed to have killed 13 PKK rebels.

September 28; The Turkish army rejected PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan's proposed negotiated settlement for an end to the Kurd war. In turn, the PKK rejected the Turkish army's demand for unconditional surrender.

September 27; The PKK rebels (Kurds living in southeastern Turkey) have announced an end to their armed rebellion and will proceed with a political campaign for autonomy. The announcement was made on 2 Sept by Osman Ocalon, brother of the jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalon. The Turkish government is skeptical of the announcement, suspecting it to be a ploy in a campaign to reduce the death sentence given to Abdullah Ocalon to life in prison.) Many of the 10,000 armed PKK guerrillas have moved out of Turkey into bases in the relatively lawless northern reaches of Iraq; the PKK plans to move all of its troops there by the end of the year.--Stephen V Cole

September 19; The Turkish Army killed 7 PKK guerrillas in actions in southeastern Turkey. Meanwhile, Turkish police went on alert after intelligence reports said a six-member terrorist team loyal to Osama bim Laden had arrived in Turkey to launch bomb attacks on US and British diplomatic facilities. Turk counter-terror police also arrested 4 Kurds who they alleged planned to launch a series of bombing attacks in Istanbul if Kurd PKK leader, Abdullah Ocalan, were executed.

September 18; Turkey announced that 342 PKK Kurd rebels have applied for amnesty under the new clemency law. The law requires PKK members to renounce violence and provide "information" on guerrilla activities to the Turkish government.

September 18; TURKEY AFTER THE QUAKE: The huge earthquake in Turkey will delay that nations plans for a massive defense buildup. Many key factories were damaged, much of the military was diverted to disaster relief duty, and the budget will have to cover extensive repairs to the Golcuk shipyard.--Stephen V Cole

September 15; Iraqi army forces attacked Qingrian, a Kurd village in northern Iraqi district of Kifri. The region is controlled by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), which is led by Jalal Talabani. The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), the PUK's chief Kurd rival inside Iraq, is led by Massound Barzani. The KDP zone lies near the Turkish border. The Iraqi government frequently exploits the PUK-KDP rivalry.

September 15; Norway suspended sale of air to sea missiles to Turkey for human rights violations related to the Kurd war.


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