Counter-Terrorism Article Archive 2008


Hamas Promises Crucifixion For TraitorsDying To Reach The Promised LandSuicide Bombing In Pakistan
Mecca MadnessRocky RoadThe Magic Behind The Mumbai Madness
Corrupt Cops Contaminate Clean SoldiersFree If By SeaThe Best Friends Money Can Buy
The Perpetual Rough NeighborhoodGangsters Are Your FriendsSomali Terrorists Head For Kenya
The Many Terrorists Of IndiaAmerican Terrorists In SomaliaAl Qaeda's Book Of Lies
American Methods Intimidate EuropeansBe Nice To War CriminalsBe Careful What You Wish For, Or Create
The Turkish Old Boys Terrorist Network On TrialThe Trust GapTurkey Tries Kinder And Gentler
FBI Seeks Midwest Bomb BuildersAvoiding Responsibility For Religious FreedomIndian Army Officers Radicalized
The Syrian Spy Show ShockerDopers Suspected Of Terror ConnectionsAborting The Mission From God
Sneaking Around In SyriaThe Electronic Pat DownThe Maoist Maniacs Of Manipur
Why The Tribes Are Turning On The TalibanKidnapping For The CauseWe Forgive You
Faith Based Terrorism Is EverywhereThe King Makes A MoveCreate A Desert And Call It Peace
Better Living Through ChemistryBiting The Hand That Shelters YouThe Line Of Death
That Old Gang Of MineThe Cancer Spreads In The CaucasusThe Cleansing
Another Al Qaeda Last StandTheology MattersGeneration Kill
Fertilizer DefangedSouth Korea Comes CleanYemeni Terrorists Try and Fail Big Time
Gangster Rebels Get RichTerrorists Trashed In Their HomelandSpeed Becomes A Weapon
Taliban Terror Tactics Take A TumbleDeath Squads Stalk Israelis OverseasPakistan Turns On Their Taliban
Attacks In America Since September 11, 2001 Walking Away From IslamYemen Cleans House
Al Qaeda Media MassacreDishonoring The LadiesKoran Power
Surge In ThailandEyes On Al Qaeda CentralThe War Moves East
Iraq Revives Its British PastFollowing The MoneyThe Pakistani Frankenstein
Where Al Qaeda ExcelsIRA RisingThe Kurds Show The Way
Drugs, Religion and the Secret EmpiresSaudis Schmooze Their Way To SafetyUAE Under Attack
Terrorists Resist A Pay CutArab Nations Unite Against Al QaedaEuropeans Join al Qaeda
Venezuela Hosts Iranian TerroristsChristian Tribes Under AttackBangladesh Cracks Down
Watch Lists Gone WildToo Much Of A Bad ThingKuwait Ignores Local Blood Money
Scandinavia On AlertAnonymous SIMs StoppedFeminism, Islamic style
Rounding Up The GunrunnersA Tunnel To Hell10 Countries Islamic Terrorists Avoid
Pakistan Pays A Big RansomYemen Rounds Up The Usual SuspectsSuffer The Children For God
The Chechen QuagmireIsraeli Rules in AfghanistanReligious Frictions In The Moslem World
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't CareRe-Branding Al QaedaWhy The French Catch More Terrorists
It Is Not The SameThe Other Terrorist MagnetThe Shia Rebellion in Yemen
The Importance of Perspective Suicidal TendenciesAl Qaeda Decapitated in Iraq
Gimpy Geezers Stick It To The KidsIndia Rolls Up Local LeadershipPaint It Black
Blue-Eyed Jihadis ObservedChurch Politics in ArabiaOver There
The Big ListCome Die For MeReligion That Kills
Heroin and BlingDo Not Mess With My Mobile PhoneGetting Inside al Qaeda
Scary Name TakersThe Revenge of the InnocentsLots of Iranians in Iraq
Waiting For Americans To LeaveAnother ChechnyaKuwait Makes Mobs Useful
Irish Terrorism Goes IslamicSunni Arabs SurrenderThe Dark Side of Luck
Twisted Taliban Tactics Take a TumbleIndian Moslem TerroristsAl Qaeda Plays Nicer
For a Fistful of CandyThe Yemen Arrangement UnravelsAttacking The UN Is Good Business
Anarchy in AssamTerrorism Pioneers RecognizedOsama's Internet Connection
The Gun Fight at Tamaulipas, MexicoThe Maoist Menace in Rural IndiaNo Honor Among Thieves
Suicidal Sons of the DesertThe Saudi Preacher PoliceHow To Hustle Naughty Tribesmen
The Trip From Glasgow to Dubai



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