Kurdish War: September 10, 1999


: A bomb exploded in Istanbul, killing 20 people. The Popular Revolutionary Front and Party (DHKP-C), a far left terror organization that advocates urban violence, claimed responsibility for the attack. The DHKP-C is against "IMF control" of Turkey.

September 8; Turkey hopes that the arrest of PKK rebel leader Ocalon (who has now been condemned to death) will result in a reduced level of violence and perhaps even the abandonment of the PKK's rebellion. This seems to be wishful thinking, however, as the PKK leadership is showing signs of becoming even more radical and violent. The military members of the PKK Presidential Council ordered its top political and diplomatic representatives abroad, Kani Yilmaz and Ali Haidar, to return home to the PKK hideout in the southern mountains. (They did so.) This seems to indicate that less emphasis will be placed on diplomatic and political moves.--Stephen V Cole

September 5: Turkish military sources reported 19 PKK guerrillas were killed in two clashes. 15 were slain in the Krom Valley, in Van province. The other 4 were killed near the town of Sason.
September 2; Osman Ocalan, PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan's brother, said the PKK's armed struggle is over. He promised the PKK would lay down its arms.


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