Potential Hot Spots: September 9, 2003


Well believe it when it actually happens. However, Robert Mugabes government has decided that the land grab of white farms by his political associates is something of an embarrassment. The Mugabe government issued a statement saying that it has taken back around 75,000 acres of land from party officials who took more than one farm. Mugabes land reform has proven to be little more than a land grab for his sidekicks in his Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) political party. Interestingly enough, this land return came a week after the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) scored a series of election triumphs in by-elections held in Harare and Bulawayo (September 1). The Bulawayo win was big the MDC won all 27 seats up for election. The MDC also won at least three mayoral elections. However, the MDC also charged the government with massive fraud and voter intimidation. ZANU-PF still maintained overwhelming control of Zimbabwe, but Mugabe knows he has not frightened the opposition.


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