Infantry: A Chest Computer Brings Bombs Faster


December 7, 2010: The U.S. Air Force JTACs (Joint Terminal Attack Controllers, who call in air strikes) operate as part of TACPs (Tactical Air Control Party). While JTACs are officers, and the only ones authorized to bring attack aircraft in low,  most of the personnel in the TACPs are air force NCOs trained to do just about everything else (especially calling in smart bomb strikes). To help TACPs (as the NCOs are called) do their work better and faster, the air force has developed a one kilogram (two pound) wearable computer, to replace the 3.6 kg (8 pound) laptop currently used. The wearable computer (called SWC, for Small Wearable Computer) fits into a pouch on the front of the protective vest, and folds out when needed, so the TACP can see the small screen, use the small keyboard and simultaneously talk to pilots and ground troops. New software for the SWC gives both pilots and TACPs a common view of where ground and air units are. The SWC can also share video with aircraft overhead. So with the SWC, the TACPs have to haul less, and can do their job more quickly and easily.

While the air force has no shortage of TACPs, it is having a hard time holding on to their JTACs. Some 40 percent of them leave the air force as soon as they can, choosing not to make it a career. This despite being offered bonuses of up to $90,000 to stay in. JTACs are difficult to recruit and train. The work is exacting and dangerous. For example, JTACs currently spend most of their time overseas with army units. The combat duty is stressful, and many JTACs complain that they joined the air force, but spend most of their time with the army. The persistent shortage has made the overseas tours longer and more numerous, and hurt JTAC morale still further. Last year, the air force solution was to try and increase the number of JTACs to nearly 1,100 over the next three years. That is not going to be easy, although the sharp drop in demand for JTACs in Iraq helps.

Not much of a shortage for the TACPs, however. The NCO TACPs make the job a career, and know that if they get too banged up to  handle being out with the infantry all the time, the air force will re-train them for something less strenuous.




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