Uganda: Living Large in the Park


March 12, 2006: A LRA rebel captured last week by the Ugandan military has said that LRA leader Joseph Kony intends to leave the southern Sudan and link up in the Congo with the LRA's second-in-command, Vincent Otti. It was also revealed that the March 8 firefight near the town of Yei was supported by a Ugandan helicopter gunship. The LRA rebel, identified as a second lieutenant, was wearing a uniform. The captured rebel is quoted as saying that his unit was sent by Otti to meet Kony and help Kony cross the Nile River. The captured rebel is also quoted as saying that "life in Garamba" (ie, the Congo national park) is fine for the LRA. The LRA fighters live on wild game and "every two weeks" go into the southern Sudan to "loot" villages. If this information proves accurate, then the Ugandan military now has a very good idea on where Otti is inside the Congo. The captured rebel's alleged statements also conflict with the Ugandan government's assertions last month that Kony was holed up inside the Congo. The UN Mission in the Congo (MONUC) has conducted several operations in and around Garamba, with the objective of capturing Otti and driving the LRA out of the Congo.

March 9, 2006: The Ugandan military said troops in its 4th Division discovered an LRA in southern Sudan. The Ugandans found explosives (including mortar rounds) and one G3 automatic rifle.

March 8, 2006: Ugandan troops operating in southern Sudan "intercepted" an LRA group on the Yei-Marada Road near the Sudanese town of Yei. The LRA fighters were en route to the Congo. One LRA rebel was captured. In a separate incident, two LRA fighters were killed in a firefight along the River Ayago.