Uganda: August 25, 2002


Ceasefire politics continue. A Ugandan government spokesman said the LRA had told the government it was declaring a ceasefire in northern Uganda. The LRA announcement was a direct response to President Yoweri Museveni's offer to consider a ceasefire if the LRA met certain operational conditions. AFP quoted a government leader from northern Uganda as saying the LRA had agreed to stop abducting and killing civilians and stop attacks on military personnel and vehicles. Museveni had made those pre-conditions to ceasefire talks. Still to be debated is Museveni's cantonment area demand. The LRA appears to be willing to discuss how their forces will move into certain areas as the ceasefire progresses. The first indications are the LRA wants to determine which areas its forces occupy. Also up for debate is how they will be "monitored." One LRA spokesman said the ceasefire will continue until further notice, but the Ugandan Army "must not commit any act of provocation." Stay tuned. (Austin Bay)