Uganda: December 28, 1999


Ugandan government forces claim they have killed between 80 and 90 Allied Democratic Front (ADF) guerrillas in operations over the last 30 days. A government spokesman also said recently captured ADF equipment appeared to be "new" -- implying the rebels are receiving new weapons and supplies from outside of Uganda. The Ugandan government also said the Lord's Resistance army (LRA) had infiltrated new guerrillas into north Uganda from their bases in Sudan. Four LRA members had been killed in a clash with Ugandan troops. The government spokesman estimated that 200 LRA members were in the infiltrating force --a sizeable number for the LRA, indicating a major troop movement. The Ugandan government also believes elements of the Uganda National Rescue Front II (a splinter guerrilla organization that has operated in northwest Uganda) was also preparing to attack from the Sudan. FYEO reported two weeks ago on the Sundanese-Ugandan accord to mutually end support of guerrilla organizations operating from one their territories. One way to read the 200-man LRA move is that Sudan's Khartoum government has told the LRA to leave the Sudan. That is possible, but unlikely. The Ugandans have portrayed the move as an infiltration. At this point in time the Sudan-Uganda agreement is a piece of paper without force. 

December 25; ADF guerrillas attacked the Ugandan government barracks at Hakitara, near Fort Portal. The ADF also attacked Ugandan troops near Bundibugyo. One of the ADF targets was a cattle herd -- a classic African cattle raid, this time with the raiders using AK-47s.

December 11; Ugandan Army units counter-attacked and killed 6 ADF rebels bear the town of Bundibugyo.

December 10; Elements of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebel groups attacked five towns in Uganda. 12 people were reported slain.