Ivory Coast: Real Progress On Peace Deal


March 15, 2006: Accompanied by a bodyguard of UN peacekeepers, rebel leader Guillaume Soro has arrived from the north, and settled in the capital, to continue peace negotiations.

March 10, 2006: For the first time in three years, government employees are returning to the north. The initial civil servants arriving are 13 university professors.

March 8, 2006: Rebel leader Guillaume Soro agreed to rejoin the government and move to the capital. The rebels had left the capital in October, 2004, because they feared attack by government forces.

March 2, 2006: After much pressure from the UN, France and others, rebel and government leaders finally met to try and settle their differences.

February 21, 2006: It's now common knowledge that the pro-government mobs of unemployed young men are bought and paid for by the government and pro-government businesses. Free food, and ten dollars a day per man, during active operations (riots and demonstrations) keeps the pro-government youth movement ( "Young Patriots") going. The UN and France have lost patience with president Laurent Gbagbo's tactics and told him to make peace with the rebels, or else.


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