Colombia: FARC Goes Over to the Dark Side


March 7, 2006: Venezuela's Interior Minister has announced that the recent purchase of airplanes, helicopters, and patrol boats are to help in the fight against drug smuggling. While this could just be a "blind" it might also reflect internal tensions in the Chavez regime. Apparently there's a strong anti-drug sentiment in the country, shared by many of Chavez' supporters. The Interior Minister has also indicated that Venezuela will sign some new anti-drug agreements; these seem likely to continue, though in a more limited way, most of the prior agreements, with a seasoning of anti-American rhetoric. Thus causes some problems, as FARC has publicly pledged its support for the Chavez government in Venezuela. FARC is pretty much just another, and quite large, drug organization.

March 6, 2006: In the south, a FARC bomb intended for soldiers, killed two women and a child instead. This brought about an unusual amount of bad press for FARC, which is now being painted as bad guys by everyone, even former leftist allies.

March 5, 2006: Six FARC rebels died in a clash in the south, while three died neared the Panama border. FARC is using explosives to destroy oil pipelines and electrical transmission facilities (towers and buildings.) FARC is making it self much more unpopular, but the leftist rebels don't seem to care. FARC has basically become a drug gang, and all they care about is money.

March 3, 2006: Police raided a FARC safe house outside the capital, and seized 1.2 tons to explosives, and other bomb making materials.

March 2, 2006: Left rebel group ELN has declared a truce until the March 12 elections are over. FARC, in contrast, is encouraging attacks against candidates and voting places.




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