Terrorism: June 17, 2001


Malaysia has arrested another ten militant Islamic Malaysians suspected of engaging in terrorist activity. The group is thought to have murdered a Malaysian politician and plotting a holy war to create an Islamic state in Malaysia. Last year, 29 member of another militant Islamic group were arrested and tried for stealing weapons from an army base and robbing banks. Some of the militants arrested had trained in Afghanistan. 

June 16, 2001; Farmers, and farmers organizations, are afraid that eco-terrorists might have been the cause of the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Britain earlier this year. Modern livestock raising methods are a prime target for eco-terrorists and unleashing foot and mouth disease is consistent with past attacks by these groups (that is, they are willing to kill a lot of animals to destroy practices they disagree with.) Animal disease experts don't believe eco-terrorists were responsible for the recent British outbreak of foot and mouth, but do agree that it is not beyond of the capabilities of eco-terrorists to do something like that. It's very difficult to defend against such an


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