Surface Forces Article Archive 2006


Super Software for Seeking Silent SubsTomahawk Turned into Reconnaissance UAVConverted Cutters Collapse
Who Keeps Track of the SquidsNaval Mines Loom LargerChinese Seek Transformation
Son of Silkworm Enters ServiceGreek Fast Attack BoatsThe Indian Navy Turns East
Swedish Harpoon Lands in PolandIsraeli Speed BoatsStiletto
New Iranian Wonder WeaponsAnother Cold War Fringe BenefitThe Last Cruiser
Repackaging Mine WarfareIranian C-802 Anti-Ship Missiles SuckThe Great American Mine Hunter Give-Away
Modules Gone Wild For The LCSSandstorms Sink ShipsSea Swap a Success for Small Ships
Third LCS OrderedChina Backs Off On New Destroyer DesignsMachine-Guns Disable Destroyers
Doing Away With The Entire CrewInfrared RadarRussia's LCS Eater
DDG 1000 And a Century of DestroyersCommand Ships RuleSecretive South Korean Harpoon Clone Arrives
Russians Off the Coast of GuamIsrael Buys U.S. DefendersNew Pakistani Missile Patrol Boats
China Trains To Be A BullyIran's Guerilla FleetNew Russian Coast Guard Corvettes
India Buys What Russia Cannot AffordMultiple Crews for LCSLightSpeed Between Ships
Iran's Search for New Big ShipsPAAMS Chasing AegisIranian Missile Boats
Bye Bye BattleshipsIndian Ballistic Missiles for Ship Launch



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