Thailand: Rounding Up The Usual Suspects


November 15, 2007: The war against the Islamic terrorists in the south is evolving into a more familiar police operation. The attacks on Buddhists in the south has not driven the majority of the non-Moslems away. The fact that many teachers are non-Moslems, has made these attacks unpopular with many southerners. When the Islamic terrorists realized that many village and religious leaders were not supporting the Islamic radicals, the attacks turned towards the Moslem leadership in the south. This made it easier to pick up tips on who the killers were. The lists of names grows longer each day. Knowing who to look for allows for standard police investigation techniques to work. Thus there are more raids of homes, or neighborhoods, where known terrorists could be hanging out. The Islamic terrorists have not yet taken to living deep in the bush in primitive camps. That's not as safe as it sounds, because the army has trackers, recon aircraft and troops who know how to patrol in the bush.

The Islamic terrorist bombing attacks are being done more often with smaller bombs, set to go off when few people are around. In other words, the terrorists have figured out that a successful terror bombing campaign depends more on "bang" than dead bodies.