Sri Lanka: Rebel Lines Crumble


November 16, 2007: Fighting in the north has intensified over the last week, with the LTTE front lines being destroyed in several places (the enemy bunkers were destroyed or captured). LTTE casualties have been heavy, with nearly a hundred dead and several hundred wounded or captured. The LTTE continues trying to infiltrate fighters out of the north, to carry out terror attacks in government territory. The LTTE has also held back their best trained combat troops. The army is encountering poorly trained and led LTTE fighters on the front line.

The air force bombed a coastal LTTE base and boatyard. The navy continues to control the northern coast, although the loss of their naval reconnaissance aircraft last month makes it easier to determined LTTE smugglers to sneak in.

November 15, 2007: In the United States, a major LTTE fundraising organization, the TRO, was banned. Many LTTE fundraising operations have been crippled in the past year, reducing cash flow for the hard pressed rebels.

November 11, 2007: The air force is confident enough about their improved intelligence inside LTTE territory, that they feel they have a shot at killing LTTE commander-in-chief Velupillai Prabhakaran. The improved intel is partly the result of more Tamils in the north willing to inform on the LTTE, partly the increased use of stealthy army commando patrols inside LTTE territory, and more skillful use of air force recon aircraft.


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