Somalia: Islamic Radicals Promise a Long War


July 29, 2007: Islamic radicals, and the clans they dominate, refuse to join peace talks in Somalia. With a refuge in Eritrea, and financial support and weapons supplies from Iran, the radicals are going to attempt a terror campaign to take over all of Somalia. Meanwhile, the UN is still trying to work out deals with warlords, to allow food convoys to get through clan and warlord territories at prices (for bribes) the UN can afford.

July 28, 2007: There is political unrest in Somaliland, one of the two independent statelets formed out of northern Somalia. Dissident politicians are being arrested.

July 27, 2007: Ethiopian and Transitional Government troops are driving families, suspected of supporting Islamic terrorists, out of the city. All fighting in Somalia is linked to clan affiliation, or loyalty to a warlord. So the hostile clans, or extended families in clans, are identified and get visits from military search parties and interrogators. As a result, over 10,000 civilians have fled Mogadishu this month. There is still terrorist violence in the city, but not much, and the pressure put on the pro-Islamic radical population is believed responsible. The support for the Islamic radicals is not entirely religious. The clans native to Mogadishu see the Ethiopians and Transitional Government troops as outsiders come to take over. That's largely true, mainly because the Mogadishu clan feuds with each other have kept the city in chaos for two decades.

July 26, 2007: The UN has accused Eritrea of violating, on a large scale, the arms embargo on Somalia. Eritrea has provided sanctuary for Somali Islamic terrorist groups, especially the Islamic Courts, and is sending tons of weapons to Islamic radical groups in Somalia. Many, if not most, of the weapons are coming from Iran. Eritrea denies everything. Eritrea is very outspoken about its desire to see Ethiopian troops leave Somalia.

July 25, 2007: Demonstrations have broken out in Puntland, one of the two independent statelets formed out of northern Somalia. The Puntland government has mismanaged the currency, causing high inflation.

July 23, 2007: The UN is trying to raise $48 million from donor nations so that 300,000 recent refugees in Mogadishu can be looked after. The UN is having a hard time getting contributions, as donors see Somalia as a lost cause.

July 22, 2007: Somali pirates are demanding a ransom of $1.5 million for a Danish ship, and its crew of five, that was seized in June. Three other ships are held as well. Merchant shipping is staying more than the recommended 400 kilometers from the coast, and several foreign navies have warships patrolling the coast.