Nepal: Tribal Warfare a Growing Problem


July 31, 2007: India is increasing security along its long border with Nepal. The major fear is Nepalese Maoists moving to India to assist increasingly violent Indian Maoists.

July 27, 2007: Tribal rivalries are turning to violence in the south. Not just against the Maoists, but against other tribes. There has been ethnic cleansing, and violence in support of one tribal political party or another. In the northeast, radical Maoist factions are using violence against opponents, and the police have had to intervene more often. The tribal rivalries come largely from the migration of hill tribe people, to the lowlands, during the last half century. The hill tribesmen frequently maintained their tribal identity and culture in the lowlands, and were often more successful economically than the lowlanders. This caused friction over the decades, and now, with all the unrest caused by the Maoist uprising, scores are being settled.

July 25, 2007: The Maoists are using their organizations, especially labor unions, in a new extortion campaign. Newspapers are having their distribution efforts interrupted by Maoist union members, in order to get the media to adopt a more pro-Maoist attitude.

July 23, 2007: Maoists refused to accept army bodyguard for the five Maoist ministers in the government. The Maoists insist that the soldiers are counter-terrorism troops, who are trained to spy on and kill Maoists. The Maoists want to use their own troops as government bodyguards. The government won't allow this.


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