Kurdish War: The Turkish Compromise


November 18, 2009: The Turkish government has given the parliament a formal version of its peace plan for ending the Kurdish insurgency. The plan does not include an amnesty program for the PKK. Legal use of the Kurdish language is a key proposal. Re-settling Kurdish refugees is another important element in the plan. The government also wants to reduce military checkpoints in southeastern Turkey – not withdraw the military but reduce overt military presence. The military and opposition political parties objected strenuously to amnesty for PKK rebels, particularly PKK senior commanders.

November 11, 2009: The government of Iran hanged an Iranian Kurd political activist. The execution took place in the city of Sanadaj (northwestern Iran).

November 10, 2009: It's not what the PKK wants to hear. Iraqi Kurds and representatives of the central government in Baghdad indicated that they are close to resolving several political disputes. Resolving the election law dispute (passed on November 8) may be the first of many agreements. Moreover, Kurdish militia (peshmerga) commanders acknowledge they are working much more closely with the Iraqi Army. U.S. military officials and training teams have been encouraging cooperation for years, and this “behind the scene military diplomacy” may be paying off.

October 31, 2009: Turkey's opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) reiterated that they remain opposed to amnesty for PKK rebels.


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