Iran: Terrorists Terrorized


March 17, 2007: The major UN members have agreed on a package of escalating sanctions against Iran, if Iran does not halt its nuclear weapons program. Iran says it will ignore these sanctions. But it cannot. The Arabs have leaned on nations like toe China and Russia, to support the sanctions. Arabs see an Iran with nuclear weapons as a direct threat.

March 13, 2007: Russia has refused to ship the nuclear fuel for Irans first power plant, because the Iranians have been slow to pay their bills. Russian firms were to be paid about $25 million a month for their work on the nuclear plant, but apparently the Iranians are two months behind.

March 12, 2007: The government is allowing some closed opposition newspapers to open up again. Over a hundred opposition newspapers and magazines have been closed in the last year or so. But that did not stop the criticism, which was still being published via the Internet.

March 8, 2007: The government accuses Pakistan of being a terrorist sanctuary. Iranian Baluchi separatists take refuge with fellow Baluchis in Pakistan, and Sunni terrorist organizations like al Qaeda murder Pakistani Shia, and even operate in eastern Iran. Persecution of Pakistani Shia has been going on for decades, but lately the Baluchi separatists have become more active, and more Sunni terrorist groups have been operating in eastern Iran. This Sunni terrorism is not a big deal, except that, when combined with all the other separatist and religious terrorism, it is a major problem.

March 5, 2007: The government denied that it was supporting rebel Shia tribes in northern Yemen, but admitted that some Iranian religious charities did support the Yemen tribes. In Iran, the religious charities are often a cover for espionage and secret support for terrorism overseas.

March 3, 2007: Police broke up a women's right demonstration in the capital, arresting about 30 of the women. While the government refuses to give women equal (to men) legal rights, they have also backed off on the promised crackdown on the way women dress and act in public. So couples holding hands are not being arrested, nor are women harassed if they are not "dressed properly." The government wants to avoid widespread demonstrations by women. Under Islamic law, women have fewer legal rights and protections than men.