Indonesia: Terrorists Seek Inspiration


February 27, 2007: Jemaah Islamiah (JI), the Indonesian wing of al Qaeda, has run out of popular support, and is trying to get it back. While there are still a lot of Islamic conservatives in Indonesia (20 million or more), few of them are willing to kill, or die, to force these beliefs on others. JI leaders are concentrating on teaching and propaganda activities, in order to get more of their members in a murderous mood.

February 24, 2007: Increasingly violent gang activity in East Timor has resulted in two gang members being killed by Australian troops.

February 23, 2007: To no ones great surprise, a retired Indonesian general has pled guilty to arranging illegal arms shipments to Tamil rebels in Sri Lanka. The general did it for money, which appears to be the motto of too many senior military officials in Indonesia.

February 19, 2007: In East Timor, police are losing control to large mobs, which have looted a food warehouse, and burned down six buildings. Related violence left one man dead. A jail break saw five prisoners escape.