Indonesia: Terrorists Seek Sanctuary in Sectarian Strife


January31, 2007: On Papua, there are up to 5,000 refugees from fighting (between separatists and police, or because of tribal feuds). Aid organizations complain that they cannot get into some areas because of police restrictions. The police complain that the foreign aid organizations give food and medical care to rebels.

January 23, 2007: On the island of Sulawesi, Islamic terrorists have organized a lot of public support because of a war the terrorists triggered between the Moslems and Christians in the city of Poso. Half the population there is Christian, and in the late 1990s, Islamic militants came along, preaching violence against infidels (non-Moslems). Over a thousand people have died so far, but thousands of extra police and soldiers have restored peace. However, dozens of Islamic radicals are still on the island, and still preaching violence. Now the terrorists appear to have decided that attacking the police will help their cause. Naturally, the cops will fight back, and any civilians killed will be declared Islamic martyrs, and the killer cops can be tagged as anti-Moslem. Recently, several violent riots, and police raids, have produced at least fourteen dead Islamic radicals, but all this has not been sufficient to get the local Moslem population stirred up to any degree. Meanwhile, police activity in Sulawesi is increasing because it is believed more members of terror group Jemaah Islamiah (JI) are coming to Sulawesi to hide out. The Philippines used to be the favorite hiding place for JI notables, but the Filipino police and military have been diligently hunting down JI members over the past year. Some Islamic radicals have taken refuge in Australia, but they have to be careful with their pubic statements, as many Australians get upset when those given asylum demand that Moslems make war on Australia.

January 22, 2007: In East Timor, gang violence continues, but not so blatantly as before. The gangs have proved resistant to police efforts to break them up.