Chad: The Great Circle Of Death Will Be Complete


March 31, 2011:  Because the latest peace deal with Sudan is holding, with both sides abiding by it, hundreds of rebel tribesmen from both sides of the Chad-Sudan border have fled to Darfur (western Sudan) and either linked up with rebel groups there, or turned to banditry (or both). Darfur has turned into a violent "wild west." The Sudan and Chad rebel groups are in disarray, because the three favorite sanctuaries for rebel leaders (and their staffs) in Chad, Sudan and Libya, are all unavailable. Some rebel leaders have fled to distant European nations for asylum.

The government denied that 6,000 Chad tribesmen were in Libya, serving as mercenaries for besieged dictator Kaddafi. But there has been Libyan recruiting done recently in parts of northern Chad, the only question is how many tribesmen accepted the offer and went north.

March 27, 2011: In the neighboring CAR (Central African Republic), parliamentary elections results were ratified. The incumbent had rigged the vote, and opposition parties largely boycotted the polls.

March 26, 2011:  The UN has suspended food shipments to Chad through Libya. Normally, 40 percent of the food aid for Chad comes in via truck from Libya. But two food ships have been diverted from Libya to a port in Sudan, and arrangements are being made to hire trucks to get the food into landlocked Chad via Sudan. The UN has used the 3,000 kilometer Libyan land route for the last seven years.

March 22, 2011:  The victory of Chad dictator Deby's party in the February parliamentary elections has officially been confirmed. Opposition groups protested, but did little else, so far.

March 18, 2011:  The presidential election has been rescheduled for April 24th. It will be rigged and the incumbent will be reelected. This will eventually lead to another round of open rebellion, and the great circle of death will be complete.

March 14, 2011: The government signed a $7.5 billion deal with China for the construction of 1,344 kilometers of railroads. Work begins next year and will take four years to complete.