Algeria: Popular Protests Against Islamic Crime Wave


December 7, 2010: In the rural areas 100-300 kilometers east of the capital, people are becoming more angry over the continued presence of  al Qaeda groups. The Islamic radicals support themselves through theft, kidnapping and extortion. Although there aren't many of these radicals (a few hundred at most), they need a steady supply of cash to maintain their camps in the mountains. Cell phones and the Internet enable the al Qaeda recruiters to connect with new prospects, and replenish the losses from the constant army patrols. But most of the al Qaeda recruits are from the cities, and the rural population is getting fed up with this and even conducting demonstrations demanding more police and army action against the terrorists.

The American supported counter-terrorism alliance of Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Niger has been having more success in tracking the remaining Islamic radical groups, but corruption and bad government in each of these countries ensures that there will always be more terrorist recruits, and ordinary people willing to give some support to the terrorists. Algeria has taken the lead in this coalition, because Algeria defeated a large Islamic radical uprising in the last two decades, and has reduced the Islamic extremists remaining to the same threat level as criminal gangs. Algeria has secretly become a major supporter of American counter-terror operations (at least according to Wikileaks). Most Arab leaders can't publically admit to working closely with the Americans, as the official line is that America is the enemy because of its support for Israel.

November 28, 2010: Troops and Islamic terrorists clashed 200 kilometers west of the capital, leaving four soldiers and two terrorists dead.

November 27, 2010:  Two Islamic terrorists were killed some 250 kilometers east of the capital.

November 19, 2010: Police found, and killed, the chief al Qaeda financial man in the region, Izza Rezki. He was located in the suburbs of the capital, and refused to be taken alive. Al Qaeda later denied that this was actually Izza Rezki.