Counter-Terrorism: Pakistan Justice


June 14, 2012: Four Pakistani men connected to an Islamic terror plot in the United States were recently acquitted by a Pakistani anti-terrorism court. The four were picked up in Pakistan when American investigators presented evidence that over a dozen people in Pakistan had been part of the failed 2010, terror plot in New York City. There, Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad had driven an SUV carrying a large bomb into Times Square. He tried to set the bomb off but poor bomb design and quick intervention by nearby civilians and police averted an explosion.

Shahzad was arrested 53 hours later and confessed. Actually, Shahzad bragged about his Islamic terrorist activities and revealed information leading to the arrest of the four men in Pakistan. About a dozen others are still at large or were arrested and released in Pakistan.

Trials in the Pakistani anti-terrorism courts are held in secret and usually result in the accused being acquitted, especially if the attack was against foreigners. Faisal Shahzad pled guilty in open court and was sentenced to life in prison. He remains unrepentant.