Counter-Terrorism: The Deadly Anonymous


January9, 2007: While Islamic terrorists are at war with the West, they are not behaving like a traditional army. This is causing all sorts of problems. Case in point is a fellow jailed in Britain, after he was caught with plans for blowing up an airliner, as well as all sorts of material on bomb making, and terrorist activity in general. This guy never gave his name, or said where he was from. It's believed he's an Algerian, but Algeria cannot identify him. So now this lad has served his four years, and under normal circumstances, would be deported as an illegal alien. But how do you deport a fellow who will not identify himself, or his nationality? While in prison, he was caught continuing to plan terrorist activities. So the British decided to keep the man in jail, until such time as he identifies himself sufficiently so that they can deport him to his home country. The man is usually called by one of his 25 known aliases, Abbas Boutrab.




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