Peace Time: July 9, 2001


The American military are still having a hard attracting volunteers. After missing recruiting goals in 1998 and 1999, a lot more money was put into the effort and goals were sort of reached in 2000. The goals for 2001 are likely to be missed as well, although it won't matter because more troops than expected are staying in (no doubt due to a weak economy and what is seen as a more sympathetic president in the White House.) It's costing a lot more to get each recruit, some $15,000 each (compared to $6,000 per recruit in 1994.) The reasons are many. With fewer veterans in the populations, kids don't have a parent or relative who can explain to them exactly what the military service is all about. The smaller military means there are fewer active duty people going back home and telling their buddies that it's not a bad deal. The media doesn't help, as all the report about the military is bad stuff. Bill Clinton did a lot of damage to the officer and NCO corps with his enthusiasm for political correctness in the military.