Logistics: These Trucks Died For Our Sins


January 10, 2009:  Eight years of combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have worn out the U.S. Marines Corps fleet of 4,000 LVS (Logistics Vehicle System) heavy trucks. The LVS vehicles were acquired in the late 1980s, and were expected to begin showing their age after twenty years. But rigors of wartime use have turned many of these vehicles into maintenance nightmares and unfit for further service.

The marines have selected, as a replacement for the LVS, the LVSR (Logistics Vehicle System Replacement), from the same manufacturer. The original LVS, an 8x8 vehicle that can carry 22.5 tons on roads, and 12.5 tons off road, proved durable and reliable. So a radical new design was not sought, and an updated of the LVS was seen as the best choice. The LVSR has hundreds of minor improvements, plus a new engine and is designed to quickly have armor installed. Off-road load has been increased to 13.5 tons. The marines have ordered 1,350 basic LSVRs, 150 wrecker versions and 400 tractor versions. The basic vehicle is a 10x10 design. Deliveries will be complete by 2012.