Leadership: June 20, 2001


The Bush Administration asked Congress for an extra $5.6 billion in military spending, but the Pentagon wants many times that. Who's on first? 

@ $475 million cut from the V-22 program because delayed production doesn't need the money yet.

@ $80 million added to the V-22 program to implement modifications required to fix

@ $30 million cut from the B-52 upgrade program.

@ $153 million added to the Airborne Laser project to keep a 2003 missile targeting test on track.

@ $25 million to accelerate the Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle.

@ $20 million to accelerate production of the 250-pound small-diameter bomb.

@ $207 million to accelerate production of classified systems.

@ $50 million added to the Air Force's information warfare program.

@ $50 million added to classified research & development.

@ $40 million added to classified operations and maintenance.--Stephen V Cole