Information Warfare: Dare To Be Different


April 18, 2009: American counter-terrorism organizations believe they have discovered a new form of Islamic terrorism. It's basically intimidation via staged controversy. One tactic has Islamic clerics boarding an aircraft as a group and deliberately acting suspiciously, but legally, hoping to attract the attention of security officials and being removed from the aircraft. In one case, three years ago, the six clerics involved then sued, claiming discrimination. They also tried to sue other passengers who had pointed out the odd behavior to flight crew. A year before, a similar incident occurred at a football stadium in New Jersey.

The tactic may seem strange to Westerners, but Islamic radicals discuss among themselves the need to create fear and confusion in Western nations they plan to convert to Islam. Many Islamic radical leaders living in Western nations openly speak of somehow converting Western nations to Islam, as part of the plan (a favorite of al Qaeda) to turn the entire planet into an Islamic state. Using the Western legal system to harass the local population and government, and creating situations where Moslems can claim discrimination and oppression, are two tactics often mentioned.

A third benefit of these methods is to make non-Moslems reluctant to report odd activity by Moslems, especially terrorists or activists. Since the Islamic radicals believe it is a sure thing that they will succeed, they believe any attention is good for their cause. The reality is that it does not work out that way. The attention makes most Westerners hostile to the demonstrative and combative Moslems. It's basically mutual incomprehension. Islamic radicals believe that this hostility towards Moslems will make it easier for the radicals to recruit, and make security forces more reluctant to oppose violent behavior by Moslems.