Information Warfare: October 30, 2002


Saddam's email account has been hacked, and what surprises and letdowns that revealed. Iraq has Internet access via a government controlled service provider, Many government web pages are found there, including one for president Saddam Hussein. That one included an email link, so you could send missives to the Iraqi leader. It was noted that used widely available software, including a program called Webmail that allows you to check your email on the Internet. All you need is your user name and password. Turns out the Saddam's user name and password were both only five letters and easily guessed. Earlier this month, Saddam's email account was hacked into and several months of unread email were found. in the email account when it was hacked into. Many of the messages were from supporters all over the world. Some were apparently deranged, others were not. Some messages proposed business deals. The ones from Americans were illegal, although some were obviously jokes (as the senders insisted when questioned about it.) Many of the messages would appear capable of attracting some attention from the FBI or CIA.

Many threatening, or at least unsettling, emails came from enemies of Saddam. A few of these emails contained computer viruses. Browser access to Saddam's email was removed from on October 25th. 




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