NBC Weapons: July 12, 2002


Britain is planning to use commandos to go after Iraqi biological, chemical and nuclear  weapons research sites. These facilities must be destroyed with some care, lest the biological weapons they contain get loose in the atmosphere. The US is preparing special bombs for destroying biological, chemical and nuclear weapons sites. It's quite possible that the commandos will work in cooperation with the special bombing units, to make sure the target can be destroyed by the special bombs before the bombers are called in. Iraq's biological are a particular worry. Iraqi defectors have described an extensive biological research program, including at least 30 locations. Even more worrisome is a recent experiment by American scientists in which they used chemicals to build a polio virus from scratch, and then used to successfully infect mice. The scientists said that this procedure did not involve any scientific breakthrough, but was simply a proof that this could be done. They did point out that more complex viruses, like smallpox, would require a major effort. Iraq's bio-warfare program is equipped for major efforts.