Support: November 28, 2002


For the quarter million U.S. troops overseas, or in the field, on Thanksgiving, getting the traditional dinner is a tradition going back to the Civil War. Since World War II, the armed forces have made ever strenuous efforts to make sure the troops get a good Thanksgiving dinner. During wartime, this is often every difficult, with some troops getting their meal while under fire, and sometimes in nasty weather (rain or snow.) This year, some $2.3 million was spent to deliver and prepare a hundred tons of turkey, 130 tons of other meats and 32 tons of seafood where used. In addition, over a hundred tons of vegetables, ten tons of candy and all manner of other goodies were supplied. The NCOs and troops involved in preparing the food make a major effort to deliver the hot food to the most out of the way places that troops may be stationed on that day. Thanksgiving, the American version of the ancient harvest feats, is one holiday that all Americans celebrate regardless of religion or ethnic origin. It's become one military tradition the troops don't complain about.