Air Transportation: The Peacekeeping Market In Africa


November 23, 2013: Ghana has ordered two more C-295 air transports from European firm EADS. This is in addition to the two ordered in 2011 and since delivered. The C-295 is a 23 ton aircraft that is basically a half size C-130 ("Hercules") with a payload of nine tons (up to 73 troops or five 88x108 standard pallets). For medical evacuation it can carry as many as 27 stretchers. Max cruise speed is 480 kilometers an hour. Carrying a four ton load it can fly 4,500 kilometers (1,400 kilometers with max payload). The C-295 can take off in as little as 320 meters and land using as little as 670 meters. Basically, the C-295 is a stretched version of the earlier CN-235 aircraft, so it was a mature design to begin with. Powered by two turboprop engines and costing about $30 million each, the C-295 entered service in 1999. Such aircraft are more suitable for a smaller country, rather than the larger C-130 "Hercules." At least 80 have been built or ordered so far and Ghana plans to use its C-295s to support peacekeeping operations in Africa. The UN reimburses countries who provide aircraft, so Ghana can gain practical experience with these aircraft at little cost to itself.