Uganda: March 1, 2004


The army was pursuing the LRA's Odhiambo and Raska Lokwiya groups, who are believed to have been behind the attack on Barlonyo internally displaced person (IDP, or "refugees" in plain English) camp, between the Orama and Agago Rivers. The massacre of over 200 refugees on February 21 embarrassed the army and sparked public anger that the government could not prevent it, but there are few signs of a new strategy to defeat the LRA. 

The Ugandan government plans to exhume the victims, to give them a proper funeral and establish an exact death toll for the attack. Local officials are still claiming that more than 230 people were slaughtered, compared to a government figure of 84 dead.

Any time civilians are stampeded by a massacre, the logistical nightmare of feeding them returns. The United Nations emergency feeding agency had to provide 40 tons of food (enough for 5,000 people for a month) to the 4,000 or so camp refugees now gathered at a health center five kilometers from the old camp. - Adam Geibel




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