Philippines: Sending In More Marines


December7, 2006: Foreign governments are warning their citizens to stay away from Cebu, in the Philippines, next week, because a meeting of national big shots from ASEAN is expected to attract Islamic terrorists. The VIPs will probably survive, but less prominent bystanders may be in danger.

December 6, 2006: The army captured an NPA training camp on Panay Island, using an infantry battalion and some police. The troops had been encountering groups of up to fifty NPA rebels in the area, and after a week of scouting, the NPA camp was found and overrun.

December 5, 2006: There will be no Christmas ceasefire, with the various rebel organizations, this year. In the past few years, too many of the bad guys took advantage of the ceasefire, so this year, there won't be one. The ceasefires had been a custom since 1986.

December 4, 2006: Another 2,000 marines are being sent to Jolo Island, where 6,000 troops are already trying to capture several hundred Abu Sayyaf terrorists. The Islamic rebels have been hiding from the troops for four months, although there abundant signs (from captured documents and people) that the Abu Sayyaf members are feeling the strain. The additional marines, it is hoped, will make it possible to finish the job. So far, twenty troops and fifty rebels have died.




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