Iraq: January 24, 2003


Units Deployed to the Persian Gulf

@ 94th Combat Engineer Battalion, sent from Germany to Kuwait with its bulldozers, dump trucks, and other heavy equipment.

@ 727th Transportation Company (heavy trucks), South Dakota National Guard, called up for a year's service in an undisclosed location.

@ 665th Maintenance Company, South Dakota National Guard, called up for a year's service in an undisclosed location.

@ Tarawa Amphibious Group (3,500 Marines and sailors) sent to Gulf from San Diego on 6 Jan.

@ 1st Armored Division (in Germany, not counting its 3rd Brigade which is in Kansas) has been ordered to prepare for war but has no deployment orders. Rumor has it that it is to deploy by railroad to Turkey but that political problems with the Turks have delayed this. V Corps HQ (which includes 1st Armored Division and 1st Mechanized Infantry Division) has already moved to the Gulf region.

@ Troops on overseas deployments not related to the War on Iraq include 1,450 in Guantanamo Cuba, 400 in Honduras, 800 in the Sinai peacekeeping force, 10,150 in Afghanistan and neighboring countries, 1,800 in Bosnia, and 2,900 in Kosovo and Macedonia.

@ As of 8 Jan 2003, there were 33,969 Army Reserve and National Guard troops on active duty.--Stephen V Cole




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