India-Pakistan: July 4, 2004


India is buying more radars, and special jamming equipment (to shut down radios used by Islamic radicals trying to cross the border) for use in Kashmir and along the Line of Control. The use of ground radars, thermal imaging and other electronic gear along the Line of Control, in the past year, has reduced illegal movements into Indian controlled Kashmir. But the Islamic radicals keep coming, and the violence, albeit somewhat reduced, continues in Kashmir. A weekend of violence in Kashmir left 18 dead and nearly 70 wounded.

India conducted another test of its Agni surface-to-surface missile. The 40 foot long missile was fired from a mobile launcher. The Agni has a  range of 700 kilometers. Both India and Pakistan are continuing tests of their long range missiles, which are seen as the most effective way to deliver nuclear missiles. Peace negotiations between India and Pakistan are covering putting restrictions on tests for nuclear weapons and missiles.




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