Colombia Article Archive 2007


Revolutionary TheaterFrance and Venezuela Aid RebelsHugo Is In A Bad Mood
New Career Opportunities for Gangsters A Cost Of Doing BusinessBad Trends For The Bad Guys
Cocaine Crunch ContinuesCrime Wave Moves To VenezuelaSomething To Die For
Leftist Rebels Look To Castro For HelpVenezuela Steps UpFear Of Going To America
Chaos Coming for Cocaine CartelsDrug Gangs Down But Not OutIsn't It Romantic
World WarVenezuela Seeks to Rescue Leftist RebelsShare The Pain
Let's Be Bad GuysAnother Rebel Submarine Taken OutHard Time
Revenge is Good BusinessInvincibleDangerous When Cornered
Cuba Advises Rebels to Make a DealVenezuela Tries to Avoid a WarFARC Feels The Heat
FARC Plays the French CardFollow The MoneyA Little Bit of Iraq Up In The Mountains
Will Foreign Leftists Save FARC?Where's The Love?No One Ever Expects the Israeli Mercenaries
Gangs Defeated By EconomicsSpinning ExtortionWar Moves Into Venezuela
FARC Lobbies the U.S. CongressDull But SuccessfulThe Hostage Rescue Program
Look What the Anti-Corruption Police Dragged InCuba Helps OutRun Through the Jungle
The Other Iraq



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