Artillery: January 30, 2005


The Egyptian Sakr company, which has manufactured field artillery rockets for several decades, has introduced another long range 122mm rocket. This one has a range of 45 kilometers. Your average, 150 pound, 122mm rocket is nine feet long and has a range of 20 kilometers and a 45 pound warhead. Sakr had earlier offered 36 kilometers range 122mm rocket. The additional range is achieved by reducing the size of the warhead. Sakr also provides cluster bomb warheads, which make up for the smaller warheads in the longer range rockets. These 122mm weapons are unguided rockets, and must be fired in large numbers in order to cover the distant target area. The longer range Sakr rockets can be used in any rocket launcher built to fire the Russian type 122mm rocket. Sakr also makes 325mm rockets, and several different launchers for 122mm and 325mm rockets.




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