Intelligence: February 18, 2005


Indian spies are watching American spies who are still searching for Osama bin Laden in Pakistans northwest. Pakistan denies that Americans are operating up there, but tough looking non-Pakistanis, dressed in civilian clothes, driving around the area in SUVs, often with an army escort, indicate that something is going on. Indian agents in the area believe that the United States is maintaining electronic listening posts in the area, as well as working with Pakistani intelligence personnel to find Taliban and al Qaeda members. The United States has excellent electronic monitoring capability in the region. Much of the equipment is top secret. The Americans will share some of the results with the Pakistanis, but will not hand over the technology used to do it. India believes that the American information gathering, while pretty intense in Pakistans northwest, is also present throughout the country. Pakistani intelligence officials believe many al Qaeda members, including bin Laden, may have moved to hiding places in urban areas. 

India also does a lot of electronic information gathering along its border with Pakistan. No one will say anything about whether India and the United States are sharing the information they have on Pakistan. Both India and America are targets for Islamic terrorists working out of Pakistan. But, then, so is the president of Pakistan and many of his senior officials. Islamic terrorism has created some strange alliances.




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