Israel: September 10, 2003


The death toll in the fighting between Palestinians and Israelis since September 2000 is now 3,471 (2,593 Palestinians and 817 Israelis). 

Because of increased attacks, terror groups leaders, particularly from Hamas, have not been traveling by car much and are generally staying at home. So Israel is using missiles and aerial bombs to attacks homes, or commercial buildings, the terrorist leaders are in. So far, the Israeli intelligence seems to be good, but hitting buildings has not proved to be as fatal as a missile hitting a car. Israel continues to make these attacks, or raid into Palestinian territory to arrest suspects, on a daily basis. 

Israeli public opinion favors continued attacks on leaders of terrorist groups, as well as building of the security wall. Palestinian public opinion still backs terrorist attacks. There are large, and growing, minorities on both sides who back a peace deal. But the stumbling blocks remain Israeli reluctance to remove Jewish settlers from Palestinian territory, and the Palestinian long term goal of driving all Jews (and non-Moslems) out of the Middle East.

The European Union has reversed itself and named all factions of Hamas as a terrorist organization. This was partly brought on by too many Hamas members publicly backing terror attacks. 




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